Thursday, November 20, 2008

How many Different Cat Breeds?

A cat breed is a cat breed officially when it is recognized by a cat fancier's association. Some associations are more conservative than others. These conservative registers have a smaller number of different cat breeds than the more adventurous ones.
The IPCBA (International Progressive Cat Breeders Alliance) recognizes 73 different cat breeds. The CFA (cat Fanciers Association, the largest in the USA) recognizes 41 different cat breeds. TICA (The International Cat Association, the second largest in the USA) recognize 64 breeds but sub-divides breeds into short and long hair . The GCCF (Governing Council of Cat Fanciers, the largest UK registry) recognises 32 (on my count from the website) different cat breeds. The Fédération Internationale Féline (FIFE) recognize 42 different cat breeds and sub-divide breed by hair length.
Perhaps it is no surprise the IPCBA have the largest number of different cat breeds as they are "progressive". The smallest number of different cat breeds is found with the GCCF who I think are quite old fashioned in their outlook. Although I agree with caution in recognizing new breeds for the sake of controlling the commercialization of cat breeding and in turn protecting the welfare of both wild and domestic cats.
There are a greater number than 73 different cat breeds. Some breeds come and go. Some breeds struggle to get accepted. This can be because the breed is based on a wild cat (Bengal) or on a genetic mutation (Dwarf cats) as just two examples. There are a great deal of cat breeds that are yet to gain acceptance with the mainstream associations but are, for example, recognized by associations such as the Rare and Exotic Feline Registry.

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