Thursday, November 20, 2008


The domestic cat has gone through phases of popularity and persecution. During the period of the early Egyptians she was worshiped but that does no mean the domestic cat was well treated, see Egyptian Cat art. In fact the Egyptian Mau, an ancient breed, is persecuted in Egypt but an exotic looking and quite rare cat in the West. Before that, when the wild cat domesticated herself her usefulness was welcomed by the hunters who had become farmers.
During the Middle Ages in Europe she was persecuted as a result of misguided religious Christian fervor.And now we have the era of the cat shows, more different cat breeds and wild/domestic cat hybrids; even tame wild cats as domestic cats. This represents a return, almost, to the Egyptians attitude towards domestic cats. Despite the apparent popularity of the domestic cat there is still an almost hidden but widespread cruelty towards this animal. I am talking about feral cats, no kill cat shelters and animals of China and cat meat. And see Laws and cats.

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